Adam K Dean

Posts tagged with design

Image Resolutions in CSS

Published 5 March 2020 in archive with tags css , design , webdev This week's post will be a short one. The idea came about while offering suggestions for a dear friend's blog, mostly around typography and space. It's funny, I found it hard to describe typography with words, the irony, but while making suggestions and tweaking the layout, I had an idea. Continue reading …

Simple SCSS with 11ty

Published 24 February 2020 in archive with tags webdev , design , tutorial , beginners Since migrating my blog to DEV, I've been looking at rebuilding my website as a simple signpost to my various activities on the web, and with this I've been looking into static site generators, and focusing mostly on 11ty. Continue reading …

Override selection style with CSS

Published 30 July 2013 in archive with tags css , design You may have noticed that certain designs, such as the amazing SI Digital website, have a custom style for the selection of text. When used properly, to match your designs main colour for example, this can give a really nice and polished feel. Continue reading …

jQuery Categories using isotope

Published 1 July 2013 in archive with tags javascript , jquery , isotope , design While I don't do much design stuff nowadays, I do enjoy it when I get the chance. After discussing a masonry style grid with dynamic categories with my other half this weekend, I tried to find the implementation online. Failing that, I thought this was a great chance to do a bit of design. Continue reading …

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